
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Regading Upcoming IAWP Training Conference

Hi Region 10

Janet Wilson, Region 9 Coordinator, had a great idea.  In 39 days we will be attending the conference and one of the social evenings is set up for delegates to wear their "cultural attire".  As the US of A does not have a historical/cultural dress that can fully represent the whole country, it was suggested we could (delegates) wear a jersery representing our favorite/closest professional sports team.  

By all means if you can or have a cultural/traditional dress or costume, I for one would love to see it.  For the rest of us, I think this is a great suggestion.

Otherwise, I hope all of you are staying cool in the summer.  I will post photos on FB and maybe on this Blog.  Please be safe out there.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the IAWP - please let me know and I will bring it up at the AGM  or if it's a Board question I will try and get it on the agenda.
