
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Early Board Meeting Highlights

Hi Everyone

We spent 4 days at the Early Board Meeting (EBM), the first two days were used to identify where
the IAWP was headed for in the next 5 years.  Strategic Planning...unfortunately I was sick with a head cold, but I managed to stay awake for the most part.  The Official Meeting Minutes will be published by Karen within the next week or so.

From Strategic Planning we identified our Vision and Mission - 

Vision - IAWP envisions a world where police reflect the diversity of the communities they serve and where human rights are protected.

Mission - To strengthen unite and raise the capacity of women in policing internationally.

Strategic Goals will be accomplished through improving communication, training and membership.

Nominations for Awards (Officer of the Year, Medal of Valor, Leadership, Community Service, Mentoring) are due by March 23, 2015.  All nominations must come through your Regional Coordinator.  Please submit this information to me by March 18, 2015.  

Two Reqests for financial assistance was made to the IAWPF (Foundation).  One was made for financial assistance to BOD Members to attend the Board Meetings.  This was defeated due to the concern that in the U.S.A. Board Members cannot receive monies from the Board they serve on.

The other request was from Mombasa, Kenya who requested $500.00, to assist with their Regional Training Seminar.  This request was approved pending the setting and actual conference occurence.  It should be noted Mombasa had set a date but then had to cancel the conference.  Hopefully, they will be able to hold that conference.  The $500 will  be drawn from the money donated to the IAWPF by Regions 9 and 10 last year.


New Regional Coordinators were sworn in they are:

Terry Muttayi - Region 20 - Kenya
Tiwi Rinaldi and Ida Otari Poernamasasi - Region 23 - East and Southeast Asia
Jrad Epjarhaui Wiem - Region 17 - North Africa
Ivonne Daza  and Rosa Maria Otarola Carrasco - Region 25 - South America

Previous Meeting Minutes were approved.

The Book Project - tellling Our stories is still seeking writiers.  Let me know if you are interested in telling your experience in your department.

There was a discusson of whether Executive BOD Members should visit Afghanistan to support Women Officers there.  We have been invited  by OXFAM - NGO which supports Human Rghts, and has been working with Police Women in Afghanistan.  There is much concern regarding out safety and what would be accomplished by our going there.  This waas tabled for further discussion.

Thre was also a discussion on Membership qualifications.  Who should be allowed to join IAWP? Only Sworn Officers or should we also accept Non-Sworn Civilian Members?  Let me know your thoughts.

April 1, 2015 is the deadline for the International Scholarship Nominations.  If you know of an officer in another country (outside North America and the UK) please have them research the nomination requirements.  It was bought to the BOD that there are many Officers in North America and the UK that cannot afford to attend the conferences.  More will be discussed and possible future scholarship awards for those Officers.

Training Conference Reports

Durban - 10% of Conference Revenue will be donated to IAWP.   The remaining monies were used to to support orphans of Law Enforcement Officers, to support to children (one is 4 wks old and the other 2 years) who were raped by a male in their household.  Officers who were involved in hosting the conference moved up in rank or were given more responsibility in their organization.  

Winnipeg - The Conference Committee won an award from Winnipeg Tourism.  Local businesses did well, not all 1500 rooms were used (due to attendees sharing rooms).  120 high school and university students attended the conference for a Future Officer Program.  The students had their own training and attended events.  There was a thought to have them mainstream with a mentor but was decided against this time.  The Committee was handed an unanticipated bill for the City Services during the Parade.  It is estimated the IAWP will receive approximately $60,000 (Canadian).  The IAWPF will receive approximately, $8500 Canadian and the rest of the money will go to a Legacy Fund to send Officers to future IAWP Conferences.  Conference Attendance Certificates are still be worked on.

Cardiff, Wales - There are 267 Registrants so far, and approximately $12,000 in the bank.  There willl be a Future Women in Law Enforcement half day session.  The Chief of Police in the UK will be attending.   European Network will also be attending the conference and holding a meetingl  The High Sheriff who is the Queen's Representative will be attending Opening Ceremonies.  The committee is working on the IAWP Centennial.  They are having a hard time with fundraising.  The Opening Ceremonies will be held at Cardiff Castle and then the parade will be back to the Motorcross Arena.

2016 Barcelona, Spain - This will be the site of the 2016 Training Conference to be held Oct. 2-6, 2016.  The Late Board Meeting Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2016.  The will be 50/50 Split of Surplus Funds and Conference Risk.  Sept. 29 there will be Patron Police Parade and the Annual Festival of Barcelona will be held directly after the conference.

2017 Cairns, Australia will be the site of the Training Conference.

Other Business - 

Establishment of a Chaplain's Committee was pulled for further evaluation.

Retirees Blazer was approved.  It will be a black blazer that will have a detachable IAWP emblem for the pocket and to be work with a blue teal scarf.  Stephanie Harding is looking into the pricing.

It was decided not to attend the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Gala in Winnipeg.

If a Regional Conference is held in Mombasa Kenya we will send an Official Representative from the Board.

Ethics will become a standing item.

Board of Trustees (BOT) -

Incorporation of IAWP in Washington DC has been invoked because of inaction.  The laws were changed in 2009 and effective as of 2011.  The IAWP didn't realize they had to file new papers and any mailings that were sent were not received due to old address.  It was decided to get a Registered Agent who IAWP will pay to monitor the law and give us an address.  Angie Hold paid our fee for ths year but it is anticpated we will have some late fees and charges to pay.  

The BOT wanted the IAWP to hire a travel agent so the IAWP would have access to any mileage accumulated by Exec. Board Members travel or Awards or scholarship winners.  This motion failed, it was felt that Exec. Board Members already give their time and money and the cost to grab the free mileage is not worth the time or expense.  

Chaplain Tamia Dow asked that members send full info on any officers passing and please send a photo.  This will help her but her not having to do research.  Also, please do a reminder to her if you don't see a mention on the Chaplains Page.  She receives so many emails (daily) that she always misses a few.

Think about  Adopting an Officer from a lower economic country.  

Deadlines for articles in the IAWP Magazine this year are March 1, June 6, September 1, and December 12.  Simon will be staying on as the Editor (Yeah!!)

It was voted by the BOD that Members convicted of criminal offenses and future members who want to join the IAWP and have been convicted of a criminal offense will be suspended or denied membership.