
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Region 10 Fall Board Report

Greetings one and all. I am currently in Chicago visiting family before flying up to Minneapolis tomorrow afternoon for the Board of Directors meeting on Friday and Saturday prior to the beginning of the annual conference, and thought that you might like to see what is included in a board report, and what's in my board report for the fall board meeting.

Besides general information on who we are, if we'll be attending the meeting, and what our flight information is, a board report will ask what role in the Strategic Plan we have, and if we have a role, what goal or action owner we are responsible for; we'll also be asked what progress we've made during the period since the past meeting on our goal and actions. In addition, we'll be asked about any proposed and/or future actions towards our goal(s), and any items requiring Board consideration and/or decision.

In the past, most Regional Coordinators would list any and all things that they have worked on or completed during the past time period. What we're now being asked to do is fine tune it more towards the organization's Strategic Plan; we had been asked at the Spring Board meeting to choose a couple of our proposed actions and move forward on those, so, there may have been other things going on, but the focus will only be on those couple of actions. (The organization's Strategic Plan can be accessed on the organization's website at

That being said, I am the Goal/Action Owner on category 5.2, "Increasing involvement of wider membership in IAWP business; invite members to contribute to the Strategic Plan utilizing their skills, experience and abilities." I have flagged under that, however, that getting new members to join and old members to renew were critical, and if they don't want to renew, why? We must have that information first to get them involved later, and to learn what the issues might be if they aren't renewing.

Under Progress this Period on Goals/Actions:

1. Obtained list of Region 10 members whose memberships have expired from 2007 to the present, and have contacted all who have e-mail addresses, advising them that their memberships have expired, and providing them with the IAWP website so they can renew online (or they can print off the renewal form and renew that way).

2. All Region 10 members from 2007 to the present who do not have an e-mail address, will be contacted in writing to advise them their membership has expired, and to provide them information on how to renew (i.e. IAWP website and membership form in magazine). To be completed by the end of September.

3. Created Region 10 blog and am using that to outreach to the Region; attempting to blog weekly or biweekly, but no less than once a month, at a minimum. The amount of blogs have been dependent on how much news is available to share.

4. I am beginning to obtain contact and bio information from Region members who are trainers to be able to share with other Region members who may be looking for a trainer for their departments or affiliates. Depending on response, it may be able to be developed into a resource for all IAWP members (the organization use to have a Speaker's Bureau; this might become a starting point to develop that again).

5. The filming of the DVD project with Sharon Gless is on hold until probably February of 2011 due to her filming schedule back East. Contact with Shirley Tatum has been made concerning information she needs, and a time table for receiving it, so she can begin the script writing portion of the project.

Proposed and/or Future Actions Towards Goal(s):

1. Host a Regional training in Maui, Hawaii in May or June of 2011 in hopes of encouraging women in law enforcement on the Hawaiian Islands to attend, as well as others from the Region, to not only receive training, but to learn about, and hopefully join, the IAWP (and for those already members to become more involved).

2. Continue working with staff at the Sheraton Resort on Maui to develop an acceptable program that is affordable, so that a contract can be signed and the training can be held. Targeting the end of 2010 to determine if it will be feasible to do.

3. Went to the Sheraton Resort on Maui with former 2nd Vice President Lynette Hogue and met with staff there, who provided us with a tour of the facility and hosted us for two of the four nights we stayed there so that we could get a true feel for the facility, and to see if it would be a good fit for a Regional training (it IS!)

4. Will post information on the Region blog about the DVD project with Sharon Gless, and to encourage members to submit information to be considered for inclusion in the project. Posting to be completed by the end of September.

5. Will be contacting a friend in the film industry by the end of the year to discuss the possibility of his being able to provide access to a film studio for the narration of the DVD by Sharon Gless in early 2011.

Items Requiring Board Consideration and/or Decision:

1. Would like to see Policy 10 (the Conference Policy) updated to mandate that beginning with the 2013 Conference, that neither Conference Directors, nor their Committee members, who use conference funds for personal travel to promote their Conferences, including, but not limited to, hotel rooms, meals, registration fees, and transportation. (A motion will be presented on this issue).

2. Would like to see a standardized financial program provided to Conference Directors for reporting their income and expenditures from their conference so that everyone is clear on what needs to be provided, and the same format will be used by all Conference Directors in the future.

3. Would like to see a standardized program provided to Conference Directors for their final report, including, but not limited to, what worked, what didn't, and any suggestions on how things could have worked better, to ensure the same format is used by all future Conference Directors and that the required information is provided.

4. Would like to see a policy or guideline set up that addresses Regional Coordinators providing trainings in their Regions. Issues to look at include how registration fees are to be paid (should checks be made out to the IAWP, the IAWP Foundation, or a separate checking account set up, as is done for annual training conferences); in addition, if the Regional Coordinator is provided a Regional training in support of the IAWP, should the IAWP provide financial support to that training; i.e. some sort of start-up costs, as are done with the annual conference? (A motion will be presented on this issue).

5. Requesting funds for the IAWP to be a sponsor at the 5th Annual Women Leaders in Law Enforcement Conference that will be held November 8-10, 2010 in Pasadena, CA. (A motion will be presented on this issue).

Save travels to any of you coming to Minneapolis. Our Regional meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28th from 1700-1830 hrs. (it probably won't go THAT long), and the Annual General Membership (AGM) meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 29th from 1700-1830 hrs. Check your conference information you receive there for the location of the meetings. Hope to see you there!